Let’s Connect

I offer both process consultations and legal consultations.

You can schedule a time on my calendar or give me a call at 971-599-7217.

Free Process Consultation - Schedule a Free Process Consultation

The goal of the process consultation is to explore whether out of court services might work for you, or whether you might need the support of the court. It will also help me to understand how and whether I can help if I work for you as your Collaborative attorney, consulting attorney, or mediator. Both spouses can attend a process consultation since no advice is given.

During the process consultation, you let me know a bit about your situation and goals. We discuss the different types of services I offer. I give general information about the law and the court process. I do not give advice about what you should do in your specific situation (legal advice) during this type of consultation, since my ethics prohibit me from giving legal advice if I work for you as a mediator.

Does this sound right? Schedule a Free Process Consultation

Paid Legal Consultation

Schedule an in-person legal consultation or a Zoom legal consultation

If you know that you would just like advice on what you should do, you can book a legal consultation. In this type of consultation, you will tell me what you would like advice on, and I will give you advice based on the information you give me. This type of consultation can be helpful if you are already in a mediation process and know that you would like me to be your consulting attorney, or if you are likely to begin a Collaborative divorce and would like an assessment of your case. Please do not bring another person to this type of consultation.

If you know that you are likely to need the support of the court (if there is intra-family violence or concerns about financial transparency) you may want to begin with an attorney who has litigation as part of their practice. I do not offer litigation services.

*Important note: If I’ve been your mediator, I will not give you legal advice. If I give you legal advice, I will not act as your mediator in the future.

If this is a fit, you can schedule an in-person legal consultation or a Zoom legal consultation.

Thanks, and I look forward to connecting with you.

Please note that booking a consultation or reaching out via phone does not automatically create an attorney-client relationship or mean that I am working as your mediator.

Information given during process consultations is just that - information. I do not give advice about your specific situation during process consultations.

If a visual comparison of different divorce pathways might help, please check out this graphic.